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James (TJ) Greggs was born and raised in Ypsilanti, Michigan to his late mother Brenda Greggs and his father James Greggs. In youth he started writing poetry to help cope with the negative environment he had been raised in, and at the age of 18 he began his path into the world of hip hop and created the artists group Approachable Minorities with Drew Denton and Marcus McKinney. In the years following he has created his own entertainment company (Northern Threat Entertainment) and has performed with artists such as Jay Electonica, Snow Da Product, and KRS-0ne. Working with the local artists he has help created one of the most talented local music scenes in the state of Michigan. His future goals are to create a company that can help upcoming artists bloom instead of being taken advantage of like he and his group were in the past as well as spread his music to the ears of the people around the world.








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